Den nye filmen om Ian Curtis og Joy Division, "In Control", vant den prestisjetunge prisen for beste europeiske film under filmfestivalen i Cannes.

Filmen som hadde premiere i Cannes handler om Joy Divisions frontmann, Ian Curtis, som begikk selvmord i 1980 bare 23 år gammel. Cutis spilles av Sam Riley, mens hans kone Deborah spilles av Oscar- nominerte Samantha Morton.

Filmen er ventet på kino i september.

Her er juryens begrunnelse: "This is a very impressive and assured debut from a renowned photographer, but he never allows the look of the film, beautiful though it is, to detract from the powerful story and character development.

"The performances are all excellent, not just the leading characters. We feel that this is a film that will strike a real chord with audiences around Europe, and not just with music lovers."