På hjemmsiden weezer.com la bandet nylig ut en lanf post om aktuelle og kommende Weezer-ting, og en oppdatering på statusen til deres syvende studioalbum tas godt imot

- The bands 7th album, title TBA, is pretty close to a wrap now (after a mild false alarm back in the spring), though there is some work yet remaining to be done.

Ellers summerer de fremtiden slik:

- ...summary of whats in the weezer pipeline in the coming months:
* Weezer's 7th studio album, release date and title to be announced
* 1st single and video from the new album
* a to-be-announced special non-physical release
* weezer APE online radio station (as announced recently)
* Pinkerton: The Deluxe Edition (at last - if all goes as planned)
* more good things!

Mens vi venter kan vi kose oss med meddleyen av MGMTs Kids og Lady Gagas Pokerface: