Foto: Julien Bourgeois
Tindersticks slapp i går nyheten om et nytt album. "Distractions" slippes 19. februar via City Slang / Playground. Med annonseringen slipper de også åpningssporet til albumet, singelen "Man alone (can't stop fading')".I låta som nå er ute får vi servert en hypnotisk basslinje toppet med Staples mantriske vokal, i Tindersticks lengste låt så langt legger de etablerte låtstrukturer til side for å skape et eget rom.
Tindersticks Stuart A. Staples sier det best selv:
"This song was always a journey but I wasn’t expecting it to be such a long one. We made a 6 minute version but it felt like it pulled off and stopped half way to its destination. This was the beginning of a long journey in itself, to find the route needed to complete it - probably the biggest challenge a song or piece of music has given us. It was delicate and slippery right up to the final mix, which lasted a week! For me the song has a strange connection to the drum machine, bass guitar and voice combination of ‘Indignant Desert Birds’ - mine and Neils first band when I was 17. It was important to me that the words of the song were not a coherent narrative, but passing thoughts along the way."
Før lockdown hadde allerede Staples et litt annerledes Tindersticks-album i tankene, og sier at selv om dette som alt annet er påvirket av situasjonen, så er "Distractions" på ingen måte et lockdown-album, men en mulighet til å snu fokuset fra hans studiosound til nye strukturer med banddynamikken i hovedsetet.
‘Distractions’ track list:
1. Man alone (can’t stop the fadin’)
2. I imagine you
3. A man needs a maid (Neil Young cover)
4. Lady with the braid (Dory Previn cover)
5. You’ll have to scream louder (Television Personalities cover)
6. Tue-moi
7. The bough bends