Forsidefoto: Brooke Ashley Barone
I dag avslører Julia Stone at hennes etterlengtede tredje soloalbum "Sixty Summers" vil bli gitt ut 19. februar 2021 via BMG. Åtte år etter Stones forrige soloplate ankommer "Sixty Summers" som en gjenfødelse for en av Australias mest produktive artister. Albumet blander villmarkens folk og indie-rock med et dykk ned i den kosmopolitiske, hedonistiske verdenen av månelys pop, lover pressemeldingen.
Samtidig med nyheten om albumets utgivelse, gir Stone ut singelen "Dance" med tilhørende video regissert av Jessie Hill som inneholder ekstraordinære opptredener av de prisbelønte skuespillerne Susan Sarandon og Danny Glover.
- Particularly in this moment, I wanted to make a memorable video with a whimsical message about love... a story reflecting the times, where more than ever we need to come together and connect. I also wanted to explore an oft-neglected demographic and reframe the way we look at age.”
Hill fortsetter; “there’s a specific sexiness to maturity, something to revere. We need to see more examples of the wiser generation portrayed in film as exciting, open and highly desirable. Having two icons like Danny and Susan come together to breathe life into this concept was a dream come true."
Om sangen sier Julia Stone:
- Dance’ was written as I thought about those very rare and often very special times when strong messages are sent and received silently between people. I was thinking about the moments we can share, when words are ineffective to communicate to those you love or are just unnecessary in a moment of deep connection…. When there’s nothing else to say or do, ‘Why don’t we dance’… It occurs with love and happiness but also pain and empathy. Heart, in all its appearances.”
"Dance" er Stone´s tredje singleutgivelse i 2020, og vil i likhet med "Break" og "Unreal" være en del av albumet "Sixty Summers".