17. februar slipper Ryan Adams sitt nye album Prisoner. Adams fremførte hele det nye albumet live på Factory Theatre i Sydney i går. Første singel fra albumet er den «Do You Still Love Me?»
Adams fortalte nylig til The Japan Times skilsmissen med Mandy More har hatt stor innvirkning på det kommende albumet.
— I started writing this record while I was going through a very public divorce, which is a humiliating and just a fucking horrible thing to go through no matter who you are,” sier han. “To be me and to go through that the way that I did was destructive on a level that I can’t explain. So a lot of extra work went into keeping my chin up and remembering what I did and what I loved about who I was.”
Prisoner Tracklist:
01. Do You Still Love Me?
02. Prisoner
03. Doomsday
04. Haunted House
05. Shiver And Shake
06. To Be Without You
07. Anything I Say To You Now
08. Breakdown
09. Outbound Train
10. Broken Anyway
11. Tightrope
12. We Disappear
Iowa, I owe ya
The Shallow Riverbanks med ny single fra kommende album.
My Morning Jacket slipper ny plate
Ny video er ute nå, platen kommer i mars.
Nektet fordi de var kvinner
Emily Dickinson og Brontë-søstrene hedres av In the Country, Slettahjell, og Reiersrud. >>