Foto: Kate Taylor Battle
Kurt Vile annonserer EPen Speed, Sound, Lonely KV, som ble spilt inn og mixet i sporadiske sessions over fire år i The Butchers Shoppe studio I Nashville. Det består av coverversjoner av låter av John Prine og "Cowboy" Jack Clement, i tillegg til to originallåter.Inkludert på EPen, og ute nå som første smakebit, er det Kurt Vile selv omtaler som det mest spesielle musikalske øyeblikk i sitt liv - en duett med John Prine på hans velkjente låt "How Lucky".
“The truth is John was my hero for a long time when he came intoThe Butcher Shoppe to recut one of his deepest classics with me. And, man, I was floating and flying and I couldn't hear anything he told me while he was there till after he was gone for the night. A couple nights later we were playing ‘How Lucky’ together again; this time onstage at the Grand Ole Opry on New Year's Eve at the turn of 2020. Nothing like seeing John and his band of musical brothers and family and friends playing into the new decade in front of an adoring audience on that stage in Nashville, TN... and, yup, that's just how lucky we all got that night." - Kurt Vile
EPen slippes digitalt allerede 2. oktober, og slippes fysisk 15. januar 2021.