Muse er i dag tilbake med ny singel og video. Låta heter «Dig Down» og er produsert av Muse og Mike Elizondo, og mixet av Spike Stent. Låta har fått en actionfylt video laget av Lance Drake med Lauren Wasser i hovedrollen.

Vokalist Matt Bellamy om låta:

“When I was writing this song I was looking to counteract the current negativity in the world and give inspiration, optimism and hope to people to fight for the causes they believe in; that as individuals we can choose to change the world if we want to.”

Lance Drake sa følgende om videoen:

“The song is about survival and fighting the odds – when I heard this song I knew I wanted to do an action packed narrative. I’d heard about Lauren a year or so ago, I read her story and she gave me personal inspiration so I’d always kept her in mind to shoot with one day. The power of the song made me think of her … so I wrote the video narrative based on Lauren’s story and how she overcame the odds.”

Se mer om Laurens bakgrunn på TED talk her her