Foto: Cara Totman

Den nye singelen heter "Garden", og er skrevet av Lou Barlow. Videoen er regissert av Lou og Adelle Barlow, med illustrasjoner av John Moloney og animasjon av Chloe Hemingway.

Den blir å finne på deres kommende album 'Sweep It Into Space' som slippes 23. april.

'Sweep It Into Space' er Dinosaur Jr. sitt femte studioalbum siden tilbakekomsten på 2000-tallet. I utgangspunktet satt til å bli sluppet i midten av 2020, ble albumet satt tilbake på grunn av et visst virus. Men det ville vise seg at det skulle mer til enn bare et virus for å temme det utsøkte raseriet denne trioen leverer når fokuset er på fullt. Sessions for albumet startet på senhøsten i 2019 og er spilt inn, som vanlig, i Amhert's Bisquiteen Studio. Kurt Vile står som den eneste ekstra musikeren på albumet.

Lou Barlow om videoen:

Everyone seemed to want a disruption in the order of American life, it seemed necessary. Then it happened. It began as a bitter lamentation but as I was finishing the lyrics, singing over the instrumental version of the song while driving to J [Mascis]’s through the miles of farmland that separate his studio in Amherst and my home in Greenfield (Massachusetts), I saw a sign on a shed: Back to the Garden. I was looking for a resolution, where do we go when faced with such dramatic confusion? Back to basics, back home, back to the garden. Luckily I was able to complete the vocals and instrumentation for the song just before the quarantine.

There wasn’t a video planned for the song but since my wife Adelle and I had started making holiday “specials” for my YouTube channel this past December, we thought we could knock one out for Garden. I wanted to capture the two of us holding hands on a levy overlooking a scenic bend in the Connecticut River (very close to where the first Dinosaur video, “Little Fury Things,” was filmed!). Adelle thought we should incorporate the whimsical paintings of Dinosaur Jr’s tour manager John Moloney. He routinely dashes off caricatures of J, Murph and I when we travel. I told John about our ideas and he thought it would be easy to video the band playing the song. So, John and Adelle quickly captured the band playing the song on their iPhones on a cold February afternoon and I edited it all together in iMovie. Then we had Chloe, the real vid expert at Jagjaguwar, put the paintings by John and Adelle into the mix, and that’s it! Thanks for watching.