Foto: Piper Ferguson

Calexico og Iron & Wine slipper albumet 'Years to Burn' sammen 14. juni via City Slang.

Indieheltene gjorde sitt første kunstneriske samarbeid med EPen 'In the Reins', som brakte Sam Beam, Joey Burns og John Convertino sammen i 2005. Det anerkjente samarbeidet introduserte begge band til et bredere publikum og utvidet Beams kunstneriske horisont, men det var den felles opplevelsen av å turnere sammen Bob Dylan-style som sementerte båndet dem imellom.

De har siden ønsket å fortsette samarbeidet både i studio og på scenen, men det var først i fjor høst at timeplanene deres igjen passet overens. Med en gjensidig beundring gikk de i studio sammen med produsent Matt Ross-Spango og spilte inn et fullengders album i Sound Emporium i Nashville.

“Life is hard. Awesome. And scary as shit. But it can lift you up if you let it,” Sam offers. “These are the things Joeyand I write about now.And the title can encapsulate a lot of things.‘Years to Burn’ could mean you’re cocky, you’ve got it made. Or, our life is ours to burn, to be inspired. Or you’re burned by life, brutalized. It’s an ambiguous title,because life is complicated. Let’s not talk like teenagers about love, desire, pain, ‘cause we’re not teenagers. And that’s not a bad thing.”

“This project had to find the right time,” Joey concludes. “We’re all different people than we were in 2004, and music helps to bridge some of the gaps. For all the things going on in our world and in each of our lives, this connection, this friendship, this love that we have — this album is a vehicle for that bond. It’s a chance to see where we’re at, take stock and be there for our friends.”